December News

The three and four year old classes at Noah’s Ark Preschool celebrated Thanksgiving with 85 parents, grandparents and special friends. It was filled with songs of thanks to God for all the wonderful things we have in our world.

We will end the month of November with a field trip to E.B. Lyons Nature Center. We will read stories about animals getting ready for winter.

Noah’s Ark Preschool will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of our preschool on Sunday, January 20th. The children will sing at the 11:00 a.m. service. More information will follow next month on this special celebration. Mark your calendars and come and celebrate this wonderful outreach to the community.

Noah’s Ark Preschool
Giving Tree

The Noah’s Ark Giving Tree is located in the narthex. On it you will find envelopes for books, art supplies, toys, and scholarships. Thrivent members who make a donation of $50-$400 will be matched by 50 cents for every dollar through the “Giving Plus” Thrivent program. Your donation of $50 will actually be $75! Thank you for your continued support.

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